Media Library

to keep a unified image archive

Save your images in Media Library and use them in marketing campaigns.

Media Library

Allows You to Save and Upload in Media Library

Reuse the saved images or upload new ones or customize as per your requirements

media library leave note
upload image

Upload Image

Easy to upload multiple images at a go. Upload, crop or edit images according to your email marketing requirements to generate more leads.

pre-built sales email templates

Pre-Built Sales Email Templates

Loaded with pre-built email templates, Media Library helps to leverage templates o tp yourbusiness needs.

accepts all formats

Accepts all formats

Supports all formats. Easy to manage large amounts of multimedia files. Enhances digital storage by organizing files and increases search functionality.

What is Image Library?

Image library is a curated collection of high quality and relevant stock images. Image Library is an answer to the ever-growing demand for high-quality and relevant stock photos. Image Library provides photographers with an opportunity to sell their pictures through an easy-to-use platform that provides buyers with access to thousands of exclusive, top quality photos from all over the world at affordable prices.

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